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Forum for business, political and societal leaders

The Forum’s mission is to encourage democracies to fund a secure future, not Russian wars


Democracies should not fund dictatorships and their wars. Unfortunately, Russia’s war in Ukraine was funded by democracies, as were other Russian wars before it.


As Russian missiles rained down on Ukrainian towns and villages, as Russian troops killed, tortured and raped the Ukrainian people, hundreds of billions of euros and US dollars for the export of energy resources, including to democracies, have been poured into the accounts of Russian energy companies. In this way, the democracies that claim to support Ukraine have in fact generously financed the ongoing Russian war in Ukraine.


However, this reality can hardly be seen as accidental, but rather as the result of a whole network of powerful influences at work, where Russia’s carefully constructed network of oligarchic, trollish, even criminal influences is complemented by a very extensive and powerful network of business, political, financial and legal structures, as well as a very large and powerful media lobby operating in democracies. representing the interests of oil, gas, even atomic and coal corporations, which still control trillions in wealth. It is the alliance of these networks that, in our view, has constructed the current reality, where blood is being shed in Ukraine and billions paid by the democracies are being poured into Russia’s accounts.


It is this alliance between the oil and gas and Putin empires, which uses its power to silence progressive democracies and to stop decisive change, which means that democracies are usually only able to react to energy or climate crises and wars, but not able to set goals and make changes to reduce the possibility of energy and climate crises as well as of wars.


That is why the most important MISSION of our Forum is to overcome the pressure and resistance of this network and to raise as firmly and openly as possible the questions that need to be answered today, so that at a time when Europe and the democratic world as a whole is drowning in natural catastrophes and the enormous cost of energy resources, and when Ukraine is drowning in its own people’s blood, the democracies can find the strength to unite and fund a secure future for all of mankind, not only for the oil and gas companies, and to avoid financing new wars for the Russian regime.


We have no doubt that this is the most important goal that democracies should pursue today, and that it must be communicated as widely and clearly as possible. In the near future, we will be announcing the key objectives that we believe should unite democracies and progressive democratic forces, and we will be directly addressing leaders in politics, business, media and other fields, inviting them to come together to discuss and agree on the solutions that will build a secure future for democracies and for humanity.


Eduardas Eigirdas

Almantas Gliožeris

Founders and leaders of the Democracy Development Fund, which organizes the Forum